Weeknight Entertainment: Big Daddies and Down Bad Dad

As much as I’d like to call myself a recluse and say that I keep to myself, I am anything but an introvert. I love going out and watching live performances in any form or medium. In my early 20s, the idea of attending an open jam session or open mic would have left me shaking with fear, but now I’ve grown to appreciate this format of performance.

Which leads me to today’s blog: I’ve been spending my Tuesdays singing in a bowling alley. Pretty random, I know, but it’s actually a lot of fun. I’ve gotten well acquainted with Ben Briggs, the owner of Tiny Waves (an Orlando-based video game DJ company), who runs the "Come As You Are" open mic, hosted by "Down Bad Dad" (Ben’s stage name).

Boardwalk Bowl is an Orlando staple. One of my earliest Orlando memories is celebrating my baby brother’s first birthday in one of their party rooms. With its vibrant atmosphere and variety of entertainment options, Boardwalk Bowl is a lively setting for this Tuesday open mic. Ben brings his own equipment and sets up on stage in a performance hall. This space is adjacent to the rest of the bowling alley and includes a bar and three pool tables. Ben takes the stage to sing and play guitar, inviting his DJ friends to jam with him. He performs covers, original songs, and spontaneous jams with strangers for around four hours every Tuesday.

Ben has been kind enough to let me make music in his garage and studio, so I often attend his open mic to practice my current set, sing some covers accompanied by my DJ, FortuneSwan, and even jam with Ben and the band.

The atmosphere is welcoming and warm—there’s no room for harsh criticism. Most of the musicians participating are multi-instrumentalist DJs and producers, which adds an extra layer of excitement. It’s fascinating to see individuals who typically spin on decks pick up instruments and infuse them with their unique finesse. It’s truly a musician’s paradise: a space to perform freely without feeling judged by the watchful eyes of onlookers.

The open mic also coincides with bowling league night, so there’s always a mix of characters wandering in, following the sound of the music. If you’re a musician looking for practice or someone who enjoys improvisational jams, this open mic is another East Orlando gem. Check out "Come As You Are" at Boardwalk Bowl every Tuesday, hosted by Down Bad Dad.

If open mics aren’t really your thing, another great Tuesday night spot is Big Daddy’s, a karaoke bar across the street from Stardust Cafe. Every time I go to Big Daddy’s, I meet some unforgettable characters with mesmerizing voices. Karaoke bars are often places where people go to do two things: drink for cheap and sing. You don’t have to be good, but the energy of the place is so potent that it will naturally draw a song out of you. The crowd here is also incredibly warm.

I’ve had too many wild escapades at Big Daddy’s to count. Once, I sang "Waiting in Vain" to a white woman and her husband, only to share a cigarette with her later as she told me, “You remind me of a past lover.” Another time, I was persuaded to go to a strip club by an inebriated Scotsman—only to watch him speed off in a car full of Russian dudes after he’d promised me $200 and a lap dance!

Last Tuesday, I walked into Big Daddy’s and held the door open for two men in striped suits, each with a woman on their arm. I commented, “Looking sharp, brother.” One of the women immediately replied, “Do you know who that is? That’s Clyde, and he’s a bad motherfucker” That was just the first surprise of the night. Later, while using the restroom, I was having a moment to myself only to be brought back to my senses by the sound of someone singing some Otis Redding. There’s something magical about hearing amazing music in a bar bathroom—only to step out and be fully embraced by the sound. I heard Clyde (whose name I later learned was RT) singing. He was incredible, gliding effortlessly through every note and riff. People were either slow-dancing or just straight vibing. It was clear he was a seasoned performer. Intrigued, I spoke to him after his set and managed to snag an interview.

So there you have it: two fantastic Tuesday night spots to make for a memorable evening. If you want chaotic energy and good vibes, check out Big Daddy’s. Or, head to the "Come As You Are" open mic at Boardwalk Bowl to immerse yourself in a musician’s haven.

That’s all for now. This is Carlito from CFLTV.net, signing off.

Dream it


Dream it 〰️


January 20 - 28th Orlando Local Music Events. Catch Broken Windows, Warm Frames, God’s Computer, devthwvlk, torcher, and eyelash at the s.p.ot.


January 13 - 19 Orlando Music Events: Bynx Cafe, the S.P.O.t. & elixer